Wednesday 11 November 2009

Who's that sexy swine?

Oh, OK.  I'm not talking about me.  I was merely quoting the eight pigs who admired themselves in the mirror.

Accorging to a study, pigs have joined the list of animals (elephants, dolphins, some species of parrots, some primates and, of course humans) who are able to learn what a mirror image represents and use it to obtain information.  Young pigs were seen to me moving about in a pen while 'admiring' their image.

The study also reported that pigs interacted with the mirror in various ways (of course, they did not comment on the size of their ears!).  At first the pigs studies their images and movements; some grunted at their images, and one banged the mirror so hard with its nose that it broke!  Obviously, he'd some exalted notions about being a pig!  (my comments!)

Next time, when you want to call a spade a spade (or actually a pig, a pig), please ensure if it had the priviledge of watching itself in a mirror!

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