Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Are you caring enough?

Came across this wonderful post on Tom's website...

Teddy Roosevelt said, "People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care."

So, how do you know you are caring enough?  Do a self-assessment on your level of caring by thinking through these nine questions:

  1. Are you REALLY listening when they are talking OR are you thinking about what you will say next?
  2. Do you care for them OR do you care about their opinion of you?
  3. Do you usually call them when you want something from them or when you think you can offer something of value to them?
  4. Are they in your "network" or are you both in each other's "networks?"
  5. Do you leave them impressed with you OR do you make them feel good about themselves?
  6. What do you see when you see people?
  7. If time is money, they are making an investment by spending their time (money) with you. How are you ensuring that they are getting the right return-on-investment for this interaction (ROII)?
  8. Are you treating them the way you want them to treat you?
  9. Are they REALLY better off because you are in their life?
If you want to read the full blog, click here.

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